Northern Lights hosted a 3-day Sales Conference on 16 – 18 July for their Sales staff and Distributors.  Distributors from the UK, Holland, Italy, France were there.  Barb and Tom Gerker represented Parts & Power for the Eastern and Southern Caribbean.  Updates for new and existing products were rolled out including a new 25kW model and updates on the 9kW.  The very impressive L/M 4105/6105 was displayed.  With individual cylinder heads and nearly 90% parts commonality between the models, it is the ideal replacement for the old Lugger 6125, 6140 and 6170 engines.  Presentations were made by Chairman of Northern Lights – Sam Hill, VP of Marketing – Kit Purdy, Engineering Manager – Tracy Hach, Marketing Coordinator – Ashley Uyeta, Global Sales Manager – Nils Nelson and Donald Williams, who updated everyone on the Hybrid and Electric products.  Scott Putnicki, Compliance and Quality Systems Administrator, explained current Classification requirements and Tracy Hach updated everyone on the ever-changing Emissions Regulations. Engineering Production Manager – Chad Evans and National Sales Representative – Todd Bartus, gave a presentation on the Technicold products.


The participants were wined and dined every evening and there was a Dinner Cruise on Thursday night aboard the 80 ft Hatteras Sport fisherman “Surfrider”.


In March, Meckel Weste and Tom Gerker visited Inboard Diesel Service in Martinique. IDS, founded and owned by Frank Agren, has been a Northern Lights Dealer for over 25 years.  He started the business in the village of Case Pilote where most of his customers are Commercial Vessels.  Recently he opened a new location in Le Marin where there are hundreds of pleasure craft, primarily medium sized sailing yachts.  The most striking aspect of IDS is its Service Departments.  Both have workshops that are meticulously clean and well organized.  This is such a point of pride for Frank and his staff that the entrance to their Parts, Sales and Administration areas in both locations is through the workshop.

Adrien, Tom, Meckel, and Marce in Le Marin Parts Department

IDS has consistently been one of the best performing Northern Lights dealers in the Caribbean, both in terms of Sales and Service.  Their customer service is excellent.  This is due to the standard set by Frank and personified by long term employees Béatrice RINTO, Ludovic ROSE-ÉLOÏSE (who manages the Le Marin operation) and Marcé NUBUL.   They have 3 technicians in the Case Pilote location and 4 techs in Le Marin. They have recently added Adrien Mesureur to their Admin and Sales staff who is in training to assist Beatrice and Frank.

Adrien, Tom, Meckel and Marce in Le Marin store

Northern Lights Supports Marine Charter Season Kickoffs

Northern Lights Generators and Lugger Marine Diesel Engines recently sponsored 3 events in the Virgin Islands to kick off the 2023-2024 Marine Season.  Parts & Power, distributor for Northern Lights in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean, attended all 3 Crewed Charter Yacht events.  They sponsored the food and drink for the BVI Charter Yacht Society Crew Party and AGM on November 6.  They pitched their Northern Lights tent and met with Yacht Crews at the BVI Vendor night on November 7.  Then they sailed to St. Thomas on Nov 10 and attended the VIPCA Marine Expo.  Gavin Dooley and Shawina Jacobs were joined by St. Thomas Northern Lights dealer Mark van den Driessche for the event.

Both Virgin Islands Shows were filled to capacity with Yachts.  It is a positive sign for the Marine Industry going into 2024.  Northern Lights has supported the Charter Yacht Industry for over 25 years and is committed to continue their support. The Northern Lights, Technicold and Lugger Products are uniquely qualified for Charter Yachts where simplicity, durability and long life are critical to the vessels’ success.  Both the VIPCA and the BVICYS organizations are continuing to grow and support their members.  The BVICYS has a record number of member Yachts in 2023.

BVI Charter Yacht Society Crew Party


BVI Charter Yacht Society Vendor Night


VIPCA St. Thomas Charter Yacht Show Marine Expo